Best practice

CARARE metadata schema

The CARARE metadata schema is designed to capture metadata about an organisation’s online collections, heritage assets and their digital resources.

Main benefits

The CARARE metadata schema (CMS) is designed to capture metadata about an organisation’s online collections, heritage assets and their digital resources.  The schema is an application profile of MIDAS heritage with extensions to support EDM and the CIDOC CRM DIG schemas.  Version 2 of the schema was developed during the 3D ICONS project to increase support for 3D models and their paradata.

CARARE’s metadata schema is used by organisations to design metadata export formats which are interoperable with the data space and other archaeological research infrastructures.  

CARARE supports ingestion of metadata provided in CMS format to its aggregation services (MINT and REPOX).  CARARE maintains a mapping between CMS and EDM which is implemented by its MINT and REPOX services to support the transformation of provided metadata from CARARE’s format to EDM.

CMS was used by CARARE in the process of designing the Share3D dashboard and its metadata format.

CMS has helped to inform work currently underway in the Data Space to extend EDM to offer better support for 3D models.

Drafted by astan | Released 3 months ago | Last updated 2 months ago