
EUreka3D Final Booklet and conference recordings

The publication entitled “EUreka3D: Good Practices for the 3D Digitisation of Cultural Heritage” is now available alongside videos from final conference.

Explore EUreka3D's Final Outcomes

The EUreka3D project has reached its conclusion with the publication of its final booklet, EUreka3D: Good Practices for the 3D Digitisation of Cultural Heritage. This document summarizes the project’s key outcomes, including the methodology developed for 3D digitisation, insights into the EUreka3D Data Hub, considerations for long-term impact and sustainability, and examples from four use cases.

The booklet serves as a practical resource for those interested in 3D digitisation and its application in cultural heritage. It is available for download here: EUreka3D-FinalBooklet.pdf.

Catch Up on the Highlights

In addition to the booklet, the EUreka3D Final Conference took place on December 13, 2024, in Girona and online. The event featured presentations from project partners and guest contributors, as well as an onsite workshop focused on 3D digitisation processes and their relevance to cultural heritage.

Recordings of the presentations are accessible in a playlist on the EUreka3D YouTube channel, providing an opportunity to review the topics discussed during the conference: Watch the playlist.

These resources reflect the collaborative efforts and achievements of the EUreka3D project, providing valuable contributions to the field of 3D cultural heritage digitisation.

Drafted by astan | Released 1 month ago | Last updated 1 month ago