News, Event

5Dculture @ European Researchers' Night (29 September 2023)

The European Researchers' Night is a Europe-wide public event, which displays the diversity of science and its impact on citizens' daily lives in fun, inspiring ways. This year, the event will take place in 26 countries on Friday 29 September 2023.

The European Researchers' Night aims to
  • bring research and researchers closer to the public
  • promote excellent research projects across Europe and beyond
  • increase the interest of young people in science and research careers
  • showcase the impact of researchers’ work on people’s daily lives

5Dculture-partners Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) and the University Research Institute for Iberian Archaeology of the University of Jaén participate in this event, offering different

1. "Notte della Ricerca" in Trento, Italy: co-organised by the University of Trento, Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM), MUSE Museo delle Scienze, and our partner FBK.

What can the visitors expect?

In what has now become a tradition, the event will take place at the MUSE Science Museum from 17:00 (CET) until late in the evening. This year the organizers have decided to focus on the format that the participants seem to enjoy the most, that of science demos and hand-on stands, to put on display the work of local research institutes. The stands, equipped with a power outlet and table and chairs, will be positioned in various areas of the museum, where the researchers can entertain the visitors with videos, demonstrations, posters and tell them about the work they do every day so with so much passion.
Our colleagues from FBK will showcase what Virtual and Augmented Reality can do creating digital twins of historic cities, inviting the visitors to immerse themselves in remote, inaccessible or lost scenarios.

For more information visit the event's specific website.

2. "La Noche Europea de l@s Investigador@s" in Andalusia, Spain: together with a huge number of other institutions from all over Andalusia, our partner, the University Research Institute for Iberian Archaeology of the University of Jaén, offers hands-on workshops for children to experience archaeological treasures of the Iberian past.

What can the young participants learn?

The kids are invited to dive into the sacred world of Iltir and Neitin in a workshop focusing on specific aspects related to Iberian religiosity through materials characteristic of rituality, such as bronze votive offerings. The workshop will focus on specific aspects that can be learned through the bronze votive offerings, such as formal aspects related to attire, offerings, etc.; also aspects related to divinity. The children will have the unique opportunity to directly work with a reproduction of a votive offering in clay.

Learn more about the workshops here.

The European Researchers' Night offers manifold events and activities in locations all over Europe, so make sure to check and see what's on in your local area

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