Reuse scenario

Virtual Fitting Rooms

This scenario leverages the previous experiences of Centraal Museum Utrecht, another EFHA member, in utilising 3D historical objects and AR solutions to extend its fashion collections beyond the museum's physical spaces. In the "Virtual fitting room" pilot, a virtual try-on web application based on ARKit/ARCore technology will be developed by project partner FBK. Users will be able to virtually try on garments using their smartphone or laptop cameras. The application will provide a selection of digitised historical hats from CMU, allowing users to virtually wear them. The AR technology will automatically adjust the size and position of the hat on the user's head, creating a realistic and playful experience. This initiative enables visitors to engage with historical objects and imagine what it would be like to wear them. The museum, in turn, disseminates and valorizes its digitised collections, allowing a more personal and interactive experience with them.
By pushing the boundaries of technology and incorporating these reuse scenarios, EFHA, CMU, NISV, and FBK aim to show new ways in which people can learn about, appreciate and get in contact with our shared fashion heritage.

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